
As a visual memory of the region the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen hosts the broadest collection from the Middle Ages to the present times in eastern Switzerland with remarkable clusters of Dutch Painting, 19th century and classic modern art.

Due to limited available space, sections of the collection will be shown in changing presentations.

In addition to seminal prints by Dürer, Rembrandt, and Callot, the collection of the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen reveals a (first) artistic climax in seventeenth-century Dutch painting with exquisite works by Teniers, Ruysdael, and de Heem. German painting of the nineteenth century is represented with masterpieces from romanticism to impressionism—from Spitzweg to Böcklin, Delacroix to Monet, while the art of the fin de siècle can be documented in detail thanks to significant work groups by Hodler and his successors, as well as select paintings by Liebermann, Corinth, and von Stuck.  The collection reveals a substantial inventory of Appenzeller Bauernmalerei with works by Lämmler, Haim, and others. The section on modern art contains outstanding paintings and drawings by Kirchner, Taeuber-Arp, Klee, and Warhol as well as major installations by Merz, Serra, Paik, Signer, and Rist.

Provenance research

It is an essential task of a museum as a visual archive and as a place of remembrance to research and communicate the history behind the works on display. The artworks in the museum's own collection should be shown to the public and their history should be made transparent. In recent years, several research projects about the provenance of individual items in the collection have been carried out.

The research and the final reports are presented here.